Chennai Super Kings announced their comeback in style. The men in yellow won the first game of IPL 2018 against Mumbai Indians (MI) by one wicket. The game was a perfect kick-off to the eleventh edition of IPL. . Bravo, who took away game from defending champions, celebrated the win and shared the video on his Instagram account. The ever chilled Trinidadian wrote, 'RunDWorld this dance ah go take over @chennaiipl great start for the men in yellow #Champion #RunDWorld!!!!!!'
धोनी को चेन्नई सुपर किंग ने धमाके दार वापसी करते हुए मुंबई को उसी के घर में हरा दिया | इस मैच के हीरो ब्रावो ने जीत के बाद ड्रेसिंग रूम में डांस कर जीत का जश्न मनाया |